Ana Martin, Latin Tutor

Learn with Ana Martin

Latin can be learned simply and easily through active use of the language. It does not have to be a hard and boring subject!

I have created this taster class to guide students personally from the very beginning, so that they can experience a first, positive encounter with the language and ask any questions they have before they embark on the longer learning journey to discover the Romans.

How does the taster work?

I have created a small group session to discover the world of Latin and the Romans. Students will learn how to greet and count up to 10 in Latin, as well as some useful Latin expressions. This will be accompanied by looking at Roman art and discussing what we know about the Romans and how we actually have come to know it! 

Students will also be given access to an introductory course that they can complete online. This course will help them revise their basic vocabulary and learn more about the world of the Romans, including tips on writing in Roman cursive letters. 

This course is perfect for those considering taking Latin from Y7 (First Form) or those who cannot wait until September to get started. 

Available dates

I will be in touch once you book to find the right time and date for you. If none of the times here work, I might be able to add a new one, so make sure to contact me with any questions you may have.

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